Thursday Doors – 09/24/2020

It’s been a while since I last posted here. Have been busy and too lazy to go through unused door photos… Here are some Venice Beach doors, taken last Saturday on a walk I shouldn’t have taken because, although wearing masks and keeping our distance, there was a big crowd and not everyone was wearing a mask. Fingers crossed! 

13 thoughts on “Thursday Doors – 09/24/2020

  1. What a striking door is that first! I always used to buy stargazer lilies for the hearth when I lived in the UK. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Lots of people seem careless in their attitude there too, Angela. Not so much here. But you can’t stay confined forever.

    • Thanks, Jo! I love that door with the lilies, too. Very creative! Yes, confinement starts to play a toll on us after a while. Not traveling for a year has required quite an adjustment! Life is different. I hope you and yours are, and will continue to be, well!

  2. I love the first one. ❀ Venice Beach will always hold a special place in my heart. On my (only) visit to LA, I headed there first thing (because of the band The Doors and how they formed around there) and I took some photos through the glasses, which my host gave me, that made all green shades creepily and unexpectedly shoot out (and I wasn't even high, promise!).

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