338/365 – L.A. on Fire

Another day of raging wildfires in California, now hitting the Los Angeles area. Today, several homes were destroyed and 700 homes were evacuated in Bel-Air, just two miles from our home. And tonight authorities are warning of potentially catastrophic winds overnight and continuing through Thursday. We could be ordered to evacuate at any time during the night if the strong winds spread the fire further south. I am exhausted from a day of worries and expectations, following the developments and preparing to leave home if needed. Hopefully it won’t happen, but we’re ready for the worst. It will be a sleepless night…

337/365 – Fire

Devastating wildfires are sweeping through California again. Back in October wildfires hit Northern California, leaving 42 people dead and destroying some 8,400 structures, including homes and businesses. Today, fast-moving fires swept into Ventura County, in Southern California, burning thousands of acres, forcing thousands of people to evacuate, and stifling surrounding counties, including Los Angeles, with smoke. I’m in Santa Monica, further South from Ventura, and while so far the fires haven’t reached us, the strong winds have brought a lot of smoke and dust to the area, making it not safe to be outside for too long. Our poor mailman was wearing a mask and complaining about the smoke. 😦